Harness The Laws of the Mind – Law # 3 – Imagination Is More Powerful Than Knowledge 

Saturday, November 19, 2022 | Liz Ruggiero

Images are the property of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is a level of awareness that you generally don’t have easy access to in a waking state, yet it represents a whopping 88 percent of your consciousness!

Your subconscious has some features that might surprise you… 

1. The subconscious cannot think or reason, and it cannot argue. 
2. The subconscious mind is your emotional mind. 
3. Who you are, how you respond, and what you believe are functions of your subconscious mind. 
4. Your habits are a function of your subconscious mind
5. The subconscious mind stores the memory of not only everything your experience, but also all of your thoughts, fantasies, daydreams, and night dreams. 
6. The subconscious protects you from real danger and imagined danger. 
7. The subconscious houses your imagination.  

The subconscious and the conscious minds complement each other; they work together, each doing separate tasks. Your subconscious mind registers your feelings and impressions, and promptly passes them on to the conscious mind at which time they register your awareness. 

The only thing the subconscious mind can do is agree with you. It was designed by nature to be your servant. If you say, “I am a terrible jumper” your subconscious mind will produce exactly what you tell it to produce. It cannot say “no” to you. 

By subconscious reprogramming, any idea can be easily and effortlessly removed, altered, or amended. Close your eyes and imagine yourself winning that ribbon or perfecting a specific dressage move, or even clearing that jump. Hold that image in your head. Imagine and believe in yourself. These images will always overpower what you think you can’t do. 

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